“Life sometimes falls into pieces. The only thing you can do about it is put it back together. And in fact, maybe the whole thing is always made up of different pieces that don’t always fit together. .. Nothing is perfect, although everything is.”
Original ceramic relief technique. Developed over the years, resulting from the fascination on the one hand with the unique properties of ceramic glazes and the painterly effects that can be achieved thanks to them, and on the other hand with working with the texture and shaping possibilities of clay fixed at high temperature, it allowed the creation of a unique painting/sculptural form of expression. . It turns out that this technique can be used to talk about something much deeper, and at the same time much more subtle, than the beauty of matter itself. The paintings, or reliefs, as the artist prefers to call them, are characterized by exceptional intensity and durability of colors, as well as extraordinary variability of perception depending on the lighting. This is due to the fact that ceramic glazes refract light only in their own way. This effect also depends on the structure of the clay surface on which they are applied. The shapes of the elements that make up the works are also a well-thought- out formal device that coexists with their content.